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Stats IconFound - Jewelry
ID #: 154; Date Posted : 12/05/2006;

Description : bracelet    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New Jersey
Date Lost / Found : --

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Stats IconFound - Jewelry
ID #: 153; Date Posted : 12/05/2006;

Description : bangle    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : February-28-2006

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Stats IconLost - Electronics
ID #: 152; Date Posted : 11/23/2006;

Description : digital camera    
Category : Electronics
State / Country : Illinois
Date Lost / Found : November-22-2006

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Stats IconLost - Judaic - Religious
ID #: 151; Date Posted : 11/23/2006;

Description : Tefilin    
Category : Judaic - Religious
State / Country : United Kingdom
Date Lost / Found : October-23-2006

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Stats IconFound - Jewelry
ID #: 150; Date Posted : 11/21/2006;

Description : womens ring    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : April--

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Stats IconFound - Jewelry
ID #: 149; Date Posted : 11/01/2006;

Description : Gold Bracelet    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : New York
Date Lost / Found : July--2006

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Stats IconLost - Judaic - Religious
ID #: 148; Date Posted : 10/30/2006;

Description : Tefillin    
Category : Judaic - Religious
State / Country : United Kingdom
Date Lost / Found : July-13-2006

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Stats IconLost - Judaic - Religious
ID #: 147; Date Posted : 10/28/2006;

Description : Siddur    
Category : Judaic - Religious
State / Country : Dist. of Col.
Date Lost / Found : March--2006

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Stats IconLost - Jewelry
ID #: 146; Date Posted : 10/11/2006;

Description : Diamond Engagement Ring    
Category : Jewelry
State / Country : Israel
Date Lost / Found : October-10-2006

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Stats IconLost - Bags, Baggage, Luggage
ID #: 145; Date Posted : 10/04/2006;

Description : knapsack of clothing,shoes    
Category : Bags, Baggage, Luggage
State / Country : New Jersey
Date Lost / Found : June--2006

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